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What could be better than old Puchjes? A whole lot of old Puchjes! And many more beautiful things, all gathered in beautiful Rosmalen. Especially for oldtimer mopeds and motorbikes, since 1981. Chris used to come here with his father! From Magneet to Honda, from Puch to Benelli, it's all here! 

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Crazy Clutches! Puch Maxi clutches. Everything you MUST KNOW before mounting
Crazy Clutches! Puch Maxi clutches. Everything you MUST KNOW before mounting
This spring, it springs along! How do you make sure that your clutch does not rub against the clutch basket? What should you do before installing a cl...
Riding my fastest Puch Maxi! (74CC GILARDONI SLEEPER)
Is it possible to ride over 100km/h on a Puch? Yes! This rat look moped from Chris goes 103 on the GPS. This beautiful Puch Maxi S has a rich history ...
Riding my fastest Puch Maxi! (74CC GILARDONI SLEEPER)
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